Know Why “Fish Don’t Fry In The Kitchen”?

Admit it. “Beans don’t burn on the grill” crossed your mind faster than you could click that title, but you don’t have a clue what either of those lines mean. Don’t worry; you are not alone.

“Movin’ On Up” by Ja’net Dubois (from Good Times) and Jeff Barry is one of the most recognized and beloved songs to have graced prime time television. Also known as the theme from The Jeffersons, this classic bit of syndicated nostalgia is not only one of the most familiar songs ever, but it’s one of the most baffling. Why? Because no one really has an explanation for why, as the song goes, “fish don’t fry in the kitchen.”

If you clicked hoping for some great enlightenment about the culinary delights on the menu in Queens, NY in the mid-70’s, I’m sorry to let you down. I’ve always been curious about the meaning of the song, too, especially because that line of that song always seems to come to mind when some aspect of my life seems to be looking up or taking a turn for the better. When that happens, I always wonder if the phrase is supposed to be some kind of warning against a potential and specific obstacle or challenge along the untraveled path.

I’m wondering about this lyric today because I’ve got an announcement to make about a big change on the very near horizon: repurposedKATE is movin on up! I’ve decided to move the blog from the hosting platform onto my own domain at And it’s a big deal, at least to me. I hope you will stick with me through the transition as I continue blogging here and updating and setting up shop at the new address. When the day comes for me to make the move, I’ll have everything that’s been posted here migrated to the new addy and we can pick up like we never left off at all.

MovingUpSign is moving to

I’m excited and I can’t wait you commenting and posting on the new site! In the meantime, if you know what “Fish don’t fry in the kitchen” means, please post it in the comments satisfy my curiosity once and for all. (If you just want to say hello or even link to something happening on your blog/site, that’s okay too. I ❤ comments….)

Be My Valentangle

I realize that I probably should have expected The Diva’s Weekly Challenge  to have a Valentine theme this week, but I had so much anticipation for the announcement that I didn’t even consider the obvious.

I don’t create many pieces featuring hearts. I don’t have anything against heart art; hearts just don’t organically manifest in my art very often. The Valentine’s Day theme, therefore, this week’s challenge lived up to the title for me. I played with several ideas before I came up with this one.


I was a little concerned about the minimal pattern integration, but My Sweetheart likes it and that’s good enough for me, but I hope you like it, too. If you do like it, please use the social sharing buttons below to like, pin, tweet or otherwise share “Valentangle” with your networks.

Post Impediments Revisited

Hello & long time no see! I’ve fallen into that nasty little trap of not-posting-today-because-I-wanted-to-post-yesterday-but-didn’t-post-flavored guilt again and can hardly believe that it’s been two months since my last post! Oh well, there’s only two things I can do about it at this point: post or not.

I think, today, I will post. I would like to do the same tomorrow. The day following tomorrow… I would like to post that day as well. I ought to have enough to write about, considering how long I’ve put off posting anything at all.

So much has happened in the past couple of months and there have been so many topics I have wanted to discuss with you! So much has been on my mind lately (other than blogging, specifically): news about the activity in the warehouse and that new potential project I mentioned a while back, online auctions, storage auctions, karma awareness and maintenance, my (modest) jewelry enterprise, My (awesome) Sweetheart, business development (marketing, branding, packaging, networking, etc.) the creative process and inspiration, Pinterest, bad neighbors and the problems they can cause… This short list is just the tip of the iceberg; I have also wanted to tell you about the latest additions to my “Favorite People On Earth” list (Val at JunkerVal’s and Travis at Echelon Jewelry and Gemstones).

With so many topics and so little time, I don’t know, really, what makes me put off posting, but (once again) I am going to try to resolve that in the near future. I hope you will stick around and share your thoughts on these topics.

Pulling the Plug on What’s Not Working

Here I am, early on a Monday morning with nothing to show of in a 4Day Declutter Challenge Reveal post.


Why not? Because I didn’t post a challenge on Thursday.


I am frustrated with myself that I’ve missed posting each of the past two weeks’ challenges and (by no coincidence) each of the past two weeks’ reveals. I’m frustrated AND beginning to feel slightly over-run with guilt for not getting the challenges posted. Extra specially frustrated today because yesterday I made major progress in the front office of the warehouse. The room which has been, in my opinion, the least inviting area of my cluttered existence has been transformed into the closest thing to “homey” in only a few hours’ work.

I should have taken photos of the before.

I didn’t.

I just got a wild hair to have the unused refrigerator moved out of the corner and into the shop and started making that happen. Once that beast was out of the room, I set myself to moving the hall tree which has been sitting in the most tempting spot for clutter-collection (directly beside the entry door) into the spot vacated by the fridge. Now the black bench with over-head cubbies sits about 5 feet from the door. Close enough to be a handy launch pad for things like keys and sunglasses, purses and other travel must-haves, but not as convenient for depositing “whatever” we happen to carry in from the truck while being greeted by frantically enthusiastic chihuahuas whenever we come home. Clearing off the bench top has made a nice home (for now) for the duct-tape body form in my image that My Sweetheart helped me to create a couple of weeks ago as well as a home for the oscillating fan which normally takes up an obscene amount of floor-space and is mandatory equipment for My hot-in-every-way Sweetheart’s comfort. I hope that having those two items occupy the area most likely to encourage clutter on this particular piece of furniture we will be able to break the habit of dumping on it. Keep your fingers crossed that it works.

Still motivated to create change in this entry room, I took a pair of scissors to the carpet remnant My Sweetheart had positioned to run the length of the room, folded over at one end to fit the space, and I cut it down to size. The remnant’s remnant I placed in front of the front door. The comfy club chair which had been a sore thumb stuck out in the middle of the room and an obstacle to all movement within the room found a cozy little spot between the newly placed entry rug and the hall tree. My Sweetheart managed to sneak in behind me with a small tea-cart he just bought from the online auction for the whopping price of about a dollar, and he placed the cart between the club chair an the front door. It’s a really cute little cart and it’s a perfect fit in the space, but I’m worried that it may become the new drop-spot for “whatever” as we come in from where ever it is we go loaded down with random stuff. I’ll have to keep an eye on that. Cross more fingers.

The greatest assistance I encountered as I worked my way around the room, decluttering came from two other amazing online auction finds My Sweetheart has adopted in the past week: a small tower cabinet with about eight shallow drawers and a longish leather ottoman/bench/storage box. Into the cabinet went pens, pencils, sketchbooks and nail polishes, in other words, my personal clutter. Into the ottoman went beads and other crafting supplies, shoe-shine products and the like. It’s embarrassing how much clutter I create around here. I’m happy to have these two tools for hiding my mess! (Thanks, Babe.)

The greatest help I got with the cleaning aspect came from a new (to me, anyway) Kirby vacuum cleaner that My Sweetheart acquired for me on Saturday. I gotta hand it to The Kirby Company, they do make a product that sucks, but in such a great way! Every home should have a Kirby and that’s about all I’ve got to say about that.

I didn’t get the whole room completely and totally decluttered by the time I threw in the towel, but I did get the major points covered… er… uncovered… before I sat down. Even the stack of boxes I have spent every day we’ve lived here trying to convince myself aren’t there really aren’t there! The best thing, though, is that when I finally called it quits, My Sweetheart came right behind me to place a new (from an online auction) open-faced, little cabinet in the corner where those boxes had been and topped it with what looked at first to be a sparkly, new microwave. On closer inspection, I realized that it was the same appliance we’ve been using (and neglecting) for over a year. My Sweetheart had polished it to a like-new shine.

All-in-all, I’m darn pleased with the results of the effort we put into it. I’m way less self-conscious about opening the door when there’s a knock from the other side. That says something, but doesn’t quantify the weight that’s been lifted from my shoulders. Whew!

But even in spite of all the progress I’ve made over the weekend, clutter-busting “to beat the band” as my grandmother might have said, I’m still aggravated with myself over the recent non-success of the 4Day Challenge. Not only am I frustrated at the fact that I’ve not posted the challenge or the reveal in the past two weeks, I’m also annoyed with myself that the only thing I’ve really posted, despite the fact that I’ve missed the challenge has been about it or somehow related to it, rather than whatever it might have been that inspired me to post in the first place, because I feel obligated to say something about the missed post… UGH! Since I’ve been the only participant lately, I’m not getting that team-spirit feeling out of it, either. But even with all of these not-quite-loving feelings I’m experiencing over this weekly meme concept, I would still be committed to sticking with it, just to keep myself motivated to kicking clutter in the butt. My progress in the front room this weekend, without the 4Day Challenge to hold me accountable, has given me a different outlook on the future of the challenge… Which brings me to the real reason for this post…

I’m suspending the 4Day Declutter Challenge… indefinitely. When the time comes that I need an external motivation for keeping up progress, I’ll bring it back. Unfortunately, I’m sure it will be back before long. What a sad truth. But it’s a relief to feel the freedom to post about whatever’s on my heart or my head when I want to post. I feel the freedom already! In fact, I’ve got a new pet-project that My Sweetheart and I are developing and fine-tuning; we even gave the idea a test-run over the weekend and I can hardly wait to tell you all about it.

I hope you all aren’t too disappointed in me for pulling the plug on the challenge, but I hope you’ll tell me about it, either way, in the comments.