Upcycled Fashion by Verb. Memo. Love. on Etsy

My sweetheart and I have joined forces in repurposedKATE’s retail adventure on Etsy.com. If you want to find item listings for pieces we’ve co-created, search for “Verb.Memo.Love.” in Etsy’s search field. We’ve just posted our first collaboration, so give the Etsy engine a few minutes to get it indexed before you try the search.

In the meantime, take a look at our debut item: Anthro- Inspired, Long, Multi-strand “Bead Soup” Necklace Using Repurposed Jack Chain & Colorful Hand-wrapped Beads, 38 Elegant Inches Long and feel free to share your opinions with us here.

Of course, if you’re a pinner, we would love to find our creations on your boards…


Part “Bohemian.” Part “High Fashion.” Part “Upcycled Fashion.” My Bead Soup necklace is a stunning piece that is sure to attract many compliments and envy.

Stand Up Eight

Japanese Proverb, Graffiti, Seattle

I don’t know why I let a bit of chaos derail me from this blog (again). As difficult as blogging can become when life starts throwing curve-balls, it is always harder to come back and post after a period of not posting anything at all. The diversions that turned me from the blog some three months ago have been defeated for the better part of the summer and I have been ready to post again, just not ready to bite the bullet. I think part of the avoidance has been a lack of certainty about my Etsy shop and fearing that I might find failure in that endeavor while trying to promote it here. Hopefully I have found the support solution I have been needing for the shop because I am sick and tired of not blogging and I can’t stay away any longer.

I’ve joined an Etsy group (groups are called “teams” on Etsy) and I think membership alone will help drive my shop to success. Luckily, in case I’m wrong about the placebo effect of membership, the Upcyclers team is behind me with lots of help and advice and support. Oh, and I don’t think it will hurt anything that things are going pretty smoothly on the home front and I’ve got lots of merchandise to begin posting in the shop, too. Things are lookin’ up and I am excited about the possibilities and opportunities coming my way. Can’t wait to tell you all about it and get you caught up with all that I’ve been up to!

So, enough about all that for now… What’s been going on with you?