Week Six: Room For The Whole Family (A work in progress…)

A couple of weeks ago I offered you a peek into one of the “office” rooms in the warehouse, the room where this little family spends the most “together” time, when I introduced Week Four’s De-Clutter Fail. A few days later, I introduced you to my baby boy, LB, when I confessed my shortcoming on the weekly challenge. This week I’m back in the closest thing to a family room that the warehouse offers, to tackle a different clutter zone and give two more members of my family a chance to say hello to the blogosphere. If these two loved-ones could talk, I’m sure they would have been nagging me to get this room in shape a long time ago. Even though neither of them ever so much as set foot outside of this room, they contribute to the clutter the least of all the family members, and for that they deserve a little showing-off-time on the blog… Nevermind the fact that one of them doesn’t have a foot to set anywhere anyway… Without any further ado, please say hello to my family:

Oogie-Boogie and Peanut…

Both of these guys were gifts who now reside in the “living” or “family” room here at the warehouse. To me, they are something like a cross between Wal-Mart greeter and a Foo Dog. They greet all everyone who stops by and seem to make a pretty strong impression when people come through the door for the first time. Oogie seems to have the more attention-getting personality of the two, for sure, but I have a special affection for Peanut (who is the latest addition to our family, btw).

The real reason I am posting photos of  these two is to find out a little more about Oogie-Boogie. Like I said before, he was a gift and the person who gifted him to me discovered him at a private sale and didn’t bother to ask any questions about him, she just saw him, knew he was meant for someplace other than the place he was in and brought him to my place… Fate, I guess… I’ve never seen anything like him. No one who has seen him here has seen anything like him. I can’t find anything like him on the internet at all… (not even close!) And there are no markings of any kind to indicate that his creator would like to be connected to him… No signature. No date. No inscription. No symbols. Nada!

So, I’m curious… have you ever seen anything like him? Know an artist who produces anything like my Oogie-Boogie? If you have any clues that might help me find out more about this awesome… guy… who puts up with my clutter and greets all of my visitors, I would love to know what you know about him… Anything at all, even long-shots.

While you are wracking your brain over the orgin of my Oogie, I’m going to tidy his room… Er… I mean I’m going to De-Clutter the Family Room… At least a fair piece of one corner of our favorite gathering place.

This is what I’m starting with (about 10 minutes into the effort I came to my senses and realized I needed to snap some photos of this project!):

You’re invited to come see the results of my efforts on Monday when I re-visit this post and show off my freshly clutter-busted corner of the world. If your idea of a fun weekend includes parading your inner hoarder for the world to see (or if you’ve got some tidying up to do and don’t mind the rest of us watching and waiting for you to post photos of your success so we can ooh! and ahh! over them between remarks proclaiming your amazing level of genius and complimenting your spiffy workmanship), then check out the instructions for the 4-Day De-Clutter Challenge.

4 thoughts on “Week Six: Room For The Whole Family (A work in progress…)

  1. First of all, you’re hilarious. Second, no clue on your dude, but he is a bit…um….imposing. 🙂 I am on my sell crap kick, so hopefully I’ll be able to post a successful sale story. No organizing/decluttering anything for me this weekend. I’m too exhausted and the kiddos have THREE soccer/baseball games on Saturday. (I’ll only make it to one before I keel over.) Good luck with your family room. I’d love to see your warehouse sometime. It sounds super cool.

  2. Pingback: Week Six: Room For The Whole Family (REVEAL!!!) « repurposedkate

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